

课程共包含10个模块,涵盖金融行业基础知识、投资组合管理、资产定价以及衍生品市场的基本原理。最后,课程通过Python和C#的实践教学,帮助学员夯实理论知识,并体验金融工程在实际场景中的应用,如期权定价(Option Pricing)、风险对冲(Risk Hedge)等

  • 所需基础知识 / Required Prerequisites:

    • 概率论 (Probability Theory): 期望 (Expectation), 方差 (Variance), 正态分布 (Normal Distribution)

    • 微积分 (Calculus): 求极限 (Limits), 求简单的微分与积分 (Basic Differentiation and Integration)

  • 课程设置:

    • 总课程时长: 共10节课,每节课1.5小时

    • 课程外服务: 提供随时答疑支持,帮助解决课程学习中的难题

  • 开班安排:

    • 每年开班四次(每三个月一次,3人起开班),灵活安排,方便选择

    • 3~10人小班教学,一次报名,永久听课,不限次数

  • 定价:

    • 课程费用: 18万日元(约1179美元)(8666元人民币)

  • 优惠:

  • 原价12万日元的全行业日本就职全程辅导,与金融工学课程同步报名即可享50%折扣,仅需6万日元(总费用24万日元)

    • 包含: 网测题库,不限次数的ES(Entry Sheet)修改,一个月5小时的面谈与面试指导,永久有效

  • 两人及以上报名均可享8.8折优惠,即16万日元(1048美元)(7700元人民币)

Meet the team






金融工学导入 (Introduction to Financial Engineering)

1. 金融行业介绍:银行,证券,保险,资产运用,信托银行介绍

(Introduction to financial industries: Banks, Securities, Insurance, Asset Management, Trust Banks)

2. 金融机关,金融市场,利率与市场

(Financial Institutions, Financial Markets, Interest Rates and Markets)

3. 无风险利率

(Risk-free Interest Rate)

4. 中央银行的市场操作(日本银行,美联储)

(Market Operations by Central Banks: BOJ, FRB)

利息的计算与时间价值 (Interest Calculation and Time Value of Money)

1. 复利,连续复利

(Compound Interest and Continuous Compounding)

2. 时间价值与贴现率的计算

(Calculation of Time Value and Discount Rate)

3. 无套利均衡定价理论与例题

(No-arbitrage Pricing Theory and Examples)

4. 风险中性定价理论

(Risk-neutral Pricing Theory)

有效市场假说与投资组合理论 (Efficient Market Hypothesis and Portfolio Theory)

1. 有效市场假说

(Efficient Market Hypothesis)

2. 马克维兹的投资组合理论

(Markowitz's Portfolio Theory)

3. 有效组合边界和资本市场线

(Efficient Frontier and Capital Market Line)

4. 夏普比率与分离定理

(Sharpe Ratio and Separation Theorem)

定价理论 (Pricing Theory)

1. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)

(Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM)

2. 套利定价模型(APM)

(Arbitrage Pricing Model, APM)

3. 实践:APM定理Python的实现(多元回归)

(Practice: Python Implementation of APM Theorem with Multivariate Regression)

债券 (Bond)

1. 债券的定价

(Bond Pricing)

2. 关于债券的五大定理

(Five Major Theorems of Bonds)

3. 收益率曲线

(Yield Curve)

4. 久度与凸度

(Duration and Convexity)

期货与远期 (Future and Forward)

1. 什么是期货与远期

(What are Futures and Forwards)

2. 期货与远期的定价

(Pricing of Futures and Forwards)

3. 套利保值

(Arbitrage and Hedging)

互换 (Swap)

1. 什么是互换

(What are Swaps)

2. 互换交易的原理

(Principles of Swap Transactions)

3. 利率和货币互换

(Interest Rate and Currency Swaps)

4. 互换的定价

(Swap Pricing)

期权 (Options)

1. 期权的基本概念和原理

(Basic Concepts and Principles of Options)

2. 期权的损益

(Options' Payoffs)

3. 二叉树定价

(Binomial Tree Pricing)

4. Black-Scholes期权定价

(Black-Scholes Option Pricing)

5. 期权交易策略

(Option Trading Strategies)

Black-Scholes期权定价背后的数学 (Mathematics Behind Black-Scholes Option Pricing)

1. Black-Scholes期权定价的数学基础知识以及数学推导

(Mathematical Foundation and Derivation of Black-Scholes Option Pricing)

期权定价的Python以及C#的实践 (Practical Application of Option Pricing in Python and C#)

1. Black-Scholes期权定价复习

(Review of Black-Scholes Option Pricing)

2. 风险计算(Greeks)

(Risk Calculation: Greeks)

3. Python以及C#的代码实践

(Code Implementation in Python and C#)